Thinner Beauty??

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I am an advocate for body positivity no matter what you look like, skinny, fat, athletic, whatever–just love yourself, man. I am also a full supporter of always trying to better your health. So when I found this “movement/campaign” called thinner beauty, it just made me sad. These people take pictures (without permission) of plus size models, or any picture they can find of plus sized humans and photoshop them to be skinny. These photoshops are usually captioned with something along the lines of “Wow, just look how beautiful this woman could be if she wasn’t obese.” ThinnerBeauty claims they are trying to help motivate girls by showing them how beautiful they “could” be, but in my opinion the “movement” is failing to notice the beauty these women already have.

I also found it interesting that in most photos the boob and hip size remained the same… When actually losing weight these are generally the first areas that shrink. If this is a health based movement, and not an image based one like they claim, shouldn’t they portray accurate weight-loss?

It appears they are much better at bullying than they are at motivating. 

In opposition to body shaming hashtags like #ThinnerBeauty there are uplifting body positive ones like #EffYourBeautyStandards, #fashiontruth, #celebratemysize, and #honormycurves. If you ever feel attacked or less than confident in your appearance regardless of size, race, or any other characteristic I urge you to search these hashtags and be immersed in the positive and uplifting community they provide.

Just remember from size 0-28+ you’re beautiful.

Paige Matteson.

Bad: https:




One thought on “Thinner Beauty??

  1. Daveana says:

    I noticed also that they kept the breast sizes the same when they photoshopped. It makes me so mad that they said that people who are obese can never be beautiful. Urgh! I think Melissa is more beautiful unphotoshopped.


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